Archives of Photographic PLates for Astronomical USE

Plate from Einstein Turm Solar Plates

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Applause ID: dr.3s/plates/6_74474
Archive: Einstein Turm Solar Plates
Plate number in archive: 0002
Institute: Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
Logbook entry:
Plate format: 15x15 cm
Level 1 file: soet_white_fl_19430419_081000.fts
Level 2 file: soet_white_fr_19430419_081000.fts
UT date and time of the observation: 1943-04-19 08:10:00
Number of exposures: 1
Observatory name: Solar Observatory Einstein Tower
Observatory site name: Potsdam, Germany
East longitude of the observing site: 13.063855 deg
Latitude of the observing site: 52.37875 deg
Elevation of the observatory site: 87.0
Clear aperture of the telescope OTA: 0.6 m
Focal length of the telescope OTA: 14.0 m
Plate scale of the telescope OTA: 14.73 arcsec/mm
Instrument name: Scanning Slit Camera
Observation filter: Schott Glas
Observation method:
Air mass: 1.722
Filename scan (Level 0): soet_white_fi_19430419_081000.fts
Length of data axis 1: 7086
Length of data axis 2: 7086
Min. value in the image:
Max. value in the image:
Scanner name: Epson Perfection 4990
Scanner software: Epson Scan
Scanner gamma value:
Scanner focus:
Resolution of axis 1: 1200 dpi
Resolution of axis 2: 1200 dpi
Pixel size along axis 1: 21.1685 um
Pixel size along axis 2: 21.1685 um
Type of photometric step-wedge:
Scan date and time: July 3, 2009, 5:28 p.m.
Author of the scan: J. Rendtel, C. Denker, & P. S. Pal
Notes about the scan:
Institute responsible for the scan: Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)