Photometric calibration on whole scans (applause_dr4.phot_calib)
The table has 440935 rows, 33 columns.
This table contains data on photometric calibration that was carried out on whole scans and in annular bins. Unique Identifier calib_id
If you have made substantial use of the data provided by APPLAUSE DR4, kindly include this acknowledgement
Funding for APPLAUSE has been provided by DFG (German Research Foundation, Grant), Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), Dr. Remeis Sternwarte Bamberg (University Nürnberg/Erlangen), the Hamburger Sternwarte (University of Hamburg) and Tartu Observatory. Plate material also has been made available from Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, and from the archives of the Vatican Observatory.
Name | Type | UCD | Unit | Description |
calib_id | int | meta.main |
Calibration identification number |
process_id | int | |
Process identification number |
scan_id | int | |
Scan identification number |
plate_id | int | |
Plate identification number |
archive_id | int | |
Archive identification number |
solution_num | short | meta.number |
Solution number in the solution set |
iteration | short | meta.record |
Iteration number |
color_term | float | |
Color term of the plate, characterizing color response of the emulsion and filter used |
color_term_error | float | |||
cterm_stdev_fit | float | |||
cterm_stdev_min | float | |||
num_calib_stars | int | meta.number |
Number of stars that were actually used for photometric calibration in the annular bin |
cterm_range_min | float | |||
num_bright_stars | int | meta.number |
Number of bright stars that were actually used for photometric calibration in the annular bin. Bright-star calibration was handled separately and then merged with the calibration curve. |
cterm_range_max | float | |||
num_outliers | int | meta.number |
Number of stars that were found to be outliers of the photometric calibration curve in the annular bin |
bright_limit | float |
phot.mag em.opt stat.min |
mag |
Brightest source magnitude among calibration stars, belonging to the current astrometric solution, in the plate natural photometric system |
cterm_iterations | short | |||
cterm_num_stars | int | |||
faint_limit | float |
phot.mag em.opt stat.max |
mag |
Estimated faint limit of the current astrometric solution in the plate natural photometric system |
mag_range | float |
phot.mag em.opt arith.diff |
mag |
Magnitude range between the bright and faint limit |
num_gaia_edr3 | int | |||
num_candidate_stars | int | |||
rmse_min | float |
stat.error phot.mag em.opt stat.min |
mag |
Minimum root-mean-square (RMS) error estimate for magnitudes in the plate natural photometric system |
rmse_median | float |
stat.error phot.mag em.opt stat.median |
mag |
Median root-mean-square (RMS) error estimate for magnitudes in the plate natural photometric system |
rmse_max | float |
stat.error phot.mag em.opt stat.max |
mag |
Maximum root-mean-square (RMS) error estimate for magnitudes in the plate natural photometric system |
timestamp_insert | char | time.creation | Time[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] |
Timestamp of insert |
timestamp_update | char | time.creation | Time[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] |
Timestamp of last update |
plate_mag_brightest | float | |||
plate_mag_density02 | float | |||
plate_mag_brightcut | float | |||
plate_mag_maxden | float | |||
plate_mag_lim | float |