Archives of Photographic PLates for Astronomical USE

HEALPix table (applause_dr1.healpix)

The table has 786432 rows, 3 columns.


HEALPix center coordinates (nside=256, nested scheme). Healpix indices are uniquely identifying an area of the sky. The healpix_id used in the source_calib and lightcurve tables is here connected with the center of the area. More on HEALPix see


If you have made substantial use of the data provided by APPLAUSE DR1, kindly include this acknowledgement

Funding for APPLAUSE has been provided by DFG (German Research Foundation, Grant), Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), Dr. Remeis Sternwarte Bamberg (University Nuernberg/Erlangen) and the Hamburger Sternwarte (University of Hamburg).


Name Type UCD Unit Description
healpix256 int pos.healpix

HEALPix number (nside=256, nested scheme)

raj2000 double pos.eq.ra deg

Right ascension of HEALPix center

dej2000 double deg

Declination of HEALPix center