Archives of Photographic PLates for Astronomical USE

Extracted sources with calibrated positions and magnitudes (applause_dr4.source_calib)

The table has 4028101537 rows, 49 columns.


Sources with calibrated magnitudes by pyplate. For calibration a crossmatch of UCAC4 and APASS was used. Catalog identifiers are given, together with match quality indicators, when a match in those cataclogs has been indentified. The magnitude calibration uses the values of the phot_* tables. Unique Identifier source_id


If you have made substantial use of the data provided by APPLAUSE DR4, kindly include this acknowledgement

Funding for APPLAUSE has been provided by DFG (German Research Foundation, Grant), Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), Dr. Remeis Sternwarte Bamberg (University Nürnberg/Erlangen), the Hamburger Sternwarte (University of Hamburg) and Tartu Observatory. Plate material also has been made available from Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, and from the archives of the Vatican Observatory.


Name Type UCD Unit Description
source_id long

Source identification number. The number is constructed as follows: 4 x 10^13 + process_id x 10^7 + source number in the image.

process_id int

Process identification number

scan_id int

Scan identification number

plate_id int

Plate identification number

archive_id int

Archive identification number

solution_num short meta.number

Solution number within the process

annular_bin short meta.code

Annular bin (1-9) where the source belongs (bin 1 is in the center, bin 9 is at the edge)

dist_center double pos.distance px

Distance of the source from plate center

dist_edge double pos.distance px

Distance of the source from plate edge

sextractor_flags short meta.code

Flags given by SExtractor

model_prediction float stat.likelihood

Classification of the source as celestial (value close to 1) or artifact (value close to 0). The value is a prediction by a machine-learning algorithm.

ra_icrs double pos.eq.ra

Right ascension of the source (International Celestial Reference System)

dec_icrs double pos.eq.dec

Declination of the source (International Celestial Reference System)

ra_error float stat.error

Error of the right ascension

dec_error float stat.error

Error of the declination

gal_lon double pos.galactic.lon

Galactic longitude of the source

gal_lat double

Galactic latitude of the source

ecl_lon double

Ecliptic longitude of the source

ecl_lat double

Ecliptic latitude of the source

x_sphere double pos.cartesian.x

Source x-coordinate on the unit sphere

y_sphere double pos.cartesian.y

Source y-coordinate on the unit sphere

z_sphere double pos.cartesian.z

Source z-coordinate on the unit sphere

healpix256 int pos.healpix

Source HEALPix number (nside=256, nested ordering)

healpix1024 int pos.healpix

Source HEALPix number (nside=1024, nested ordering)

nn_dist float pos.angDistance arcsec

Distance to the nearest neighbor among extracted sources

zenith_angle float deg

Zenith angle of the source

airmass float obs.airMass

Air mass (path length for light rays from a celestial source to pass through the atmosphere)

natmag float phot.mag

Calibrated magnitude of the source in the plate natural photometric system

natmag_error float stat.error

Error estimate of the magnitude in the plate natural photometric system

bpmag float

Calibrated magnitude of the source in the Gaia EDR3 BP (blue) passband

bpmag_error float

Error estimate of the calibrated BP magnitude

rpmag float

Calibrated magnitude of the source in the Gaia EDR3 RP (red) passband

rpmag_error float

Error estimate of the calibrated RP magnitude

natmag_plate float phot.mag

Magnitude of the source in the plate natural photometric system, obtained through photometric calibration for the whole plate, without corrections

natmag_correction float phot.mag

Correction applied to the source magnitude in the plate natural photometric system

natmag_residual float phot.mag

Residual of the source magnitude in the plate natural photometric system after corrections, compared to the synthetic magnitude constructed from Gaia EDR3 photometry

phot_range_flags short

Photometric range flags: 0 - source natmag is in the range of calibration stars; 1 - source natmag is brighter than the brightest calibration star; 2 - source natmag is fainter than the estimated faint limit of the plate

phot_calib_flags short meta.code

Flag for photometric calibration stars: 0 - source is not a calibration star; 1 - source is a valid calibration star; 2 - source was found to be an outlier of the photometric calibration curve

color_term float

Color term of the plate, characterizing color response of the emulsion and filter used. Color term 0 corresponds to the Gaia EDR3 RP passband, color term 1 corresponds to the BP passband. Values outside the 0...1 range are extrapolations.

cat_natmag float phot.mag

Magnitude of the source in the plate natural photometric system, RP+color_term×(BP-RP), based on the Gaia EDR3 catalogue

gaiaedr3_gmag float

Gaia EDR3 G-magnitude of the matched source

gaiaedr3_id long

Gaia EDR3 source_id of the matched source

gaiaedr3_bp_rp float

Gaia EDR3 BP-RP color index of the matched source

gaiaedr3_dist float arcsec

Angular distance in the sky plane between the source and the matched Gaia EDR3 source

gaiaedr3_neighbors int

Number of Gaia EDR3 sources that are in the neighborhood of the source. The neighboring sources can be found in the source_xmatch table.

match_radius float pos.angDistance arcsec

Radius in the sky plane that was used to cross-match extracted sources with the Gaia EDR3 catalogue

timestamp_insert char time.creation Time[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss]

Timestamp of insert

timestamp_update char time.creation Time[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss]

Timestamp of last update

pos char meta.number (radians,radians)

GIS index for (ra,dec)