Archives of Photographic PLates for Astronomical USE

APPLAUSE DR4 (applause_dr4)


The APPLAUSE Data Release 4 contains metadata about photographic plates and data extracted from digitized plates.

The source catalogue contains 4.486 billion extracted sources. The majority of extracted sources have their positions (right ascension and declination) calibrated with the help of Gaia EDR3 catalogue. Since EDR3 is the current astrometric catalog with the higest precision and coverage, it is the reference catalog for most astrometry matching. The database contains 2.132 billion sources with matched Gaia EDR3 designations, 1.256 billion unique matches.

The APPLAUSE DR4 database is organised in 20 tables.

Along with the data we publish the 4.x version of the pyplate software which was used to process the scanned material.


If you have made substantial use of the data provided by APPLAUSE DR4, kindly include this acknowledgement

Funding for APPLAUSE has been provided by DFG (German Research Foundation, Grant), Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), Dr. Remeis Sternwarte Bamberg (University Nuernberg/Erlangen), the Hamburger Sternwarte (University of Hamburg) and Tartu Observatory. Plate material also has been made available from Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, and from the archives of the Vatican Observatory.
