Archives of Photographic PLates for Astronomical USE

Ancillary table using HEALPIX (nside=1024, nested ordering) (applause_dr4.solution_healpix)

The table has 6742587944 rows, 11 columns.


Ancillary table using HEALPIX (nside=1024, nested ordering) to provide information on the location of objects (plate_id,scan_id,archive_id,num_sources) within or intersecting the HEALPIX area.


If you have made substantial use of the data provided by APPLAUSE DR4, kindly include this acknowledgement

Funding for APPLAUSE has been provided by DFG (German Research Foundation, Grant), Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), Dr. Remeis Sternwarte Bamberg (University Nürnberg/Erlangen), the Hamburger Sternwarte (University of Hamburg) and Tartu Observatory. Plate material also has been made available from Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, and from the archives of the Vatican Observatory.


Name Type UCD Unit Description
solution_id int

Solution Identifier

solutionset_id int
process_id int

Process identification number

scan_id int

Scan identification number

plate_id int

Plate identification number

archive_id int

Archive identification number

solution_num short meta.number

Number of the solution within the solution set

healpix1024 int pos.healpix

Source HEALPix number (nside=1024, nested ordering)

num_sources short meta.number

Number of sources extracted from the image

timestamp_insert char time.creation Time[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss]

Timestamp of insert

timestamp_update char time.creation Time[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss]

Timestamp of update