Archives of Photographic PLates for Astronomical USE

Sample Header

3.1 Complete Sample header (new)

SIMPLE  =                    T / file conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                   16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1  =                18904 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2  =                18904 / length of data axis 2
BSCALE  =                  1.0 / physical_value = BZERO + BSCALE * array_value
BZERO   =                32768 / physical_value = BZERO + BSCALE * array_value
        --------------------------------------- Original data of the observation
DATEORIG= '1910-08-02'         / recorded date of the observation
TMS-ORIG= 'ST 18:11:16'        / recorded time of the start of the observation
TME-ORIG= '        '           / recorded time of the end of the observation
TIMEFLAG= 'uncertain'          / quality of the recorded time
RA-ORIG = '19:11:42'           / recorded right ascension of telescope pointing
DEC-ORIG= '15:04:00'           / recorded declination of telescope pointing
COORFLAG= 'uncertain'          / quality of the recorded coordinates
OBJECT  = 'SA 87   '           / name of the observed object or field
OBJTYPE = 'field   '           / object type
EXPTIME =               1800.0 / [s] exposure time (of exposure 1)
NUMEXP  =                    1 / number of exposures of the plate
OBSERVAT= 'Astrophysikalische Observatorium Potsdam' / observatory name
SITENAME= 'Potsdam-Telegrafenberg' / observatory site name
SITELONG=            13.064167 / [deg] East longitude of the observatory
SITELAT =            52.380556 / [deg] latitude of the observatory
SITEELEV=                  107 / [m] elevation of the observatory
TELESCOP= 'Zeiss Triplet 15 cm' / telescope name
TELAPER =                 0.15 / [m] clear aperture of the telescope
TELFOC  =                  1.5 / [m] focal length of the telescope
TELSCALE=               137.68 / [arcsec/mm] plate scale of the telescope
INSTRUME= '        '           / instrument
DETNAM  = 'photographic plate' / detector
METHOD  = 'direct photograph'  / method of observation
FILTER  = 'none    '           / filter type
PRISM   = '        '           / objective prism
PRISMANG= '        '           / prism angle “deg:min”
DISPERS =                      / [Angstrom/mm] dispersion
GRATING = '        '           / grating
FOCUS   =                 32.2 / focus value
TEMPERAT=                 21.8 / [deg C] air temperature (degrees Celsius)
CALMNESS= '2-3     '           / sky calmness (scale 1-5)
SHARPNES= '2       '           / sky sharpness (scale 1-5)
TRANSPAR= '1-2     '           / sky transparency (scale 1-5)
SKYCOND = 'moonlight'          / sky conditions
OBSERVER= 'W. Muench'          / observer name
OBSNOTES= 'bad guiding'        / observer notes
NOTES   = 'SA 87 = Kapteyn Selected Area 87' / miscellaneous notes
        ----------------------------------------------------- Photographic plate
PLATENUM= '317     '           / plate number in original observation catalogue
WFPDB-ID= 'POT015_000317'      / plate identification in the WFPDB
SERIES  = 'Kapteyn Selected Areas' / plate series
PLATEFMT= '20x20   '           / plate format in cm
PLATESZ1=                 20.0 / [cm] plate size along axis 1
PLATESZ2=                 20.0 / [cm] plate size along axis 2
FOV1    =                 7.65 / [deg] field of view along axis 1
FOV2    =                 7.65 / [deg] field of view along axis 2
EMULSION= 'Schleussner'        / photographic emulsion type
DEVELOP = '        '           / plate development information
PQUALITY= 'broken  '           / quality of plate
PLATNOTE= 'contact copy of original plate that is not available' / plate notes
        --------------------------------------- Computed data of the observation
DATE-OBS= '1910-08-02T22:21:01' / UT date of the start of the observation
DATE-AVG= '1910-08-02T22:36:01' / UT date of the mid-point of exposure 1
DATE-END= '1910-08-02T22:51:01' / UT date of the end of exposure 1
YEAR    =       1910.583561644 / decimal year of the start of exposure 1
YEAR-AVG=       1910.583561644 / decimal year of the mid-point of exposure 1
JD-AVG  =       2418886.441678 / Julian date at the mid-point of exposure 1
HJD-AVG =       2418886.441678 / heliocentric JD at the mid-point of exposure 1
RA      = '19:15:48'           / right ascension of pointing (J2000) "h:m:s"
DEC     = '+15:13:20'          / declination of pointing (J2000) "d:m:s"
RA_DEG  =           288.950000 / [deg] right ascension of pointing (J2000)
DEC_DEG =            15.222222 / [deg] declination of pointing (J2000)
        ------------------------------------------------------------------- Scan
SCANNER = 'Epson Expression 10000XL' / scanner name
SCANRES1=                 2400 / [dpi] scan resolution along axis 1
SCANRES2=                 2400 / [dpi] scan resolution along axis 2
PIXSIZE1=              10.5833 / [um] pixel size along axis 1
PIXSIZE2=              10.5833 / [um] pixel size along axis 2
SCANSOFT= 'VueScan '           / name of the scanning software
SCANGAM =                  1.0 / scan gamma value
SCANFOC = 'glass'              / scan focus
WEDGE   = 'Danes-Picta TG21S'  / type of photometric step-wedge
DATESCAN= '2011-05-17T10:33:26' / scan date and time
SCANAUTH= 'K. Tsvetkova'       / author of scan
        ------------------------------------------------------------- Data files
FILENAME= 'POT015_000317.fits' / filename of this file
FN-WEDGE= 'POT015_000317w.fits' / filename of the wedge scan
FN-PRE  = 'POT015_000317_pre.jpg' / filename of the preview image
FN-COVER= '        '           / filename of the plate cover image
FN-LOGB = 'POT015_000317-000334.jpg' / filename of logbook image
ORIGIN  = 'Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)'
DATE    = '2013-04-09T12:00:00' / last change of this file
        ------------------------------------------ World Coordinate System (WCS)
WCSAXES =                    2 / number of axes in the WCS description
RADESYS = 'FK5     '           / name of the reference frame
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / epoch of the mean equator and equinox in years
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / TAN (gnomonic) projection
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / TAN (gnomonic) projection
CUNIT1  = 'deg     '           / physical units of CRVAL and CDELT for axis 1
CUNIT2  = 'deg     '           / physical units of CRVAL and CDELT for axis 2
CRPIX1  =               9452.5 / reference pixel for axis 1
CRPIX2  =               9452.5 / reference pixel for axis 2
CRVAL1  =               288.95 / right ascension at the reference point
CRVAL2  =            15.222222 / declination at the reference point
CD1_1   =        -0.0004047524 / transformation matrix
CD1_2   =                  0.0 / transformation matrix
CD2_1   =                  0.0 / transformation matrix
CD2_2   =         0.0004047524 / transformation matrix
LONPOLE =                  0.0 / native longitude of the celestial pole
        --------------------------------------------------- Modification history
HISTORY Header written with PyPlates at 2013-12-18T12:00:00
HISTORY WCS modified by T. Tuvikene (AIP) at 2013-12-19T12:00:00
        ------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements
COMMENT The digitization of this plate was funded by the German Research
COMMENT Foundation (DFG) grant STE: 710/6-1,20.11.2009 and partially by the
COMMENT grants of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
COMMENT DO-02-273/275,18.12.2009. The 2011 May-June stay of K. Tsvetkova at AIP
COMMENT was funded by DO-02-275 MON.
COMMENT Publications based on this digitized photographic plate are requested to
COMMENT include the following acknowledgement.
COMMENT Based on photographic data of the Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik
COMMENT Potsdam (AIP). The Kapteyn Selected Areas Survey was obtained with the
COMMENT 80-cm Great Refractor and the 15-cm Zeiss Triplet telescope at
COMMENT Potsdam-Telegrafenberg in 1910-1933. The project of plate digitization
COMMENT was funded by the grants of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the
COMMENT Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science.

3.2 Complete sample header (2011)

Original sample header (created with the header2011 software)

SIMPLE  =                  T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                 16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                  2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1  =              18904 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2  =              18904 / length of data axis 2
EXTEND  =                  T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
BZERO   =              65536 /
BSCALE  =                  1 /
INVERTED=                  T / T - big-endian, F - little-endian
DATE    = '2011-06-30 10:53:40' / last change of file
FILENAME= 'POT015_000317.fits' / source file name
PLATENUM= '317             ' / in original observation catalogue
PLATE-ID= 'POT015_000317   ' / WFPDB ident. of plate
OBJECT  = 'SA 87           ' / field name and/or star name
EMULSION= '                ' / photoemulsion type
EXPTIME = 3.000000000000E+01 / exposure time [minutes]
DISPERS =                    / dispersion [A/mm]
MULTIEXP=                  1 / number of exposure of the plate
PQUALITY= '                ' / quality of plate
DATE-OBS= '1910-08-02      ' / date of observation
RA      = '19:15:48        ' / center of plate FK5
DEC     = '+15:13:20       ' / center of plate FK5
EQUINOX = 2.000000000000E+03 / equatorial coordinates definition
UT      = '1910-08-02 22:36:01' / date and UT at mean epoch
ST      = '18:11:16        ' / ST at start of the observation
JD      = 2.418886441678E+06 / JD at mean epoch
TIME-OBS= '22:21:01        ' / UT at start of observation
TIME-END= '22:51:01        ' / UT at end of observation
RAEPOBS = '                ' / center of plate at epoch of observation
DECEPOBS= '                ' / center of plate at epoch of observation
EPOCH   = 1.910583561644E+03 / epoch of plate
PLATESZ = '20x20           ' / plate size [cm]x[cm]
CUNIT1  = 7.650000000000E+00 / X field size [deg]
CUNIT2  = 7.650000000000E+00 / Y field size [deg]
DETNAM  = 'Photographic Plate' /
OBSERVER= 'W.Muench        ' / observer name
OBSERVAT= 'AO Potsdam      ' / observatory name
INSTRUME= '                ' /
TELESCOP= 'Zeiss Triplet 15 cm Potsdam-Telegrafenberg' / telescop name
SITELONG= '-13:03:51.0     ' / longitude of the obsrvatory
SITELAT = '+52:22:50.0     ' / latitude of the observatory
SITEALTI=                107 / altitude of the observatory
COLOR   = 'Pg              ' /
FILTER  = 'NO              ' / filter type
PRIZMANG= 'NO              ' / prism angle
TELAPER = 1.500000000000E-01 / clear aperture [m]
TELFOC  = 1.500000000000E+00 / focal length [m]
TELSCALE= 1.376800000000E+02 / telescope scale  [arcsec/mm]
SCANNER = 'EPSON EXPRESSION 10000XL' / scanner name
SCANRES =               2400 / scan resolution
XPIXELSZ= 1.058330000000E+01 / X pixel size [microns]
YPIXELSZ= 1.058330000000E+01 / Y pixel size [microns]
SCANHCUT=                255 / focal length [m]
SCANLCUT=                  0 / scan shadow value
SCANGAM = 1.000000000000E+00 / scan gamma value
SCANFOC = 0.000000000000E+00 / scan focus
DATE-SCN= '2011-05-17 10:33:26' / scan date and time
AUTHOR  = 'K. Tsvetkova    ' / author of scan
ORIGIN  = 'Leibniz IAP - WFPDB - Sofia' /
REFERENC= 'May-June DFG Stay of K.Tsvetkova  in AIP, DO-02-275 MON' / reference
URL     = ',' / base URL of VO Service to retrieve data
       Based on photographic data of the Leibniz Astrophysical Observatory
       Potsdam - Kapteyn Selected Areas Survey obtained using the 80 cm Great
       Refractor and 15 cm Zeiss Triplet telescope at Telegrafenberg - Potsdam
       in the period 1910-1933. The plates were digitized using professional
       flatbed scanners EPSON 10000XL/V700 and processed in the present digital
       form. The project of Plate digitization was funded by a German DFG grant
       STE: 710/6-1,20.11.2009 and partially of the grants of Bulgarian
       Ministry of Education and Science DO-02-273/275,18.12.2009.

       Investigators using these scans are kindly requested to include the
       above acknowledgements in any publications.

       Copyright (c) Leibniz Astrophysical Institute Potsdam.
       All rights reserved.